Megabuildings are a prominent feature of the Night City skyline in 2077 and function like cities within a city. Each serves as a microcosm for Night City at large. They are self-contained architectural behemoths that offer housing, food, firearms, medicine, training — you name it, it’s there. But don’t mistake them for a futuristic realization of a utopian society. They share much of the same grit, grime, and danger you’d encounter out on the streets.

Night City is a shining example of consumerism run rampant. No matter where you look, you’re pitched a product, an aspiration. Whether you’re riding the metro, brushing your teeth, or pissing in an alleyway, the glitter, vibrant color, and allure of it all sucks you in. Advertisement saturation is a constant part of the sensory experience. Corporations are selling an unattainable dream and the masses are buying into it hook, line, and sinker.